Secret to Beautiful Skin
1. Start off with a very clean face I use Body Tonique Luxuerient Facial Wash each morning
2. Then I use a litttle Body Tonique Classic Spray, just to gently wet my skin.
3. Once Dried I apply my own Intensive daily moisture moisturizer Pump, that pumps out just the right amount you need for one application. (this has all the properties you need including age defying and acne, dry skin natrual oils. Then I appliy the remiander to my arms and neck
4. I finish with my Face Correcting Serum. then I apply the remainder to my arms and neck.
5. I finish my eyes with ice cold Coconut oil face & eye cold cream to close the pores and shirink them.
5. I dab a litte vit C and Pure carrot sed oil around my eyes.
* All of this will sink right into your skin giving you a glow and nourishment your skin needs.
*Stay tuned I am in the process of working on a bath wash and or a man it will be a all in one.
* For reading this blog get your entire 3 set product kit for only $40 today! Kep In mind the Intensive facial cream is sold for $40 alone! go here to order now with your credit card.
(Carisa Blanch, photo taken right before this blog was written this morning ! At 38 my skin is amazing I can't defy the aging process but I can take care of my skin!)
(Evette Burton, everyone asks me where I get my amazing glow from, It's this woman right here Carisa Blanch )