Make Your Own Orange Peel Facial Toner
1. Make sure you have organic home grown oranges that are ripe.
2. grade or peel and dice the yellow part with as less little white pulp as possible.
3. Place your peels into a warm bath of steaming water - you can add mint or oregano as well.
4. Allow to steam for up to 1 hour setting a timer the darker range your orange the water the better.
5. Strain through a strainer to remove peels.
6. Then strain through a coffee filter to remove excess bits as to not clog your sprayer.
7. You are ready to pour into your bottle and go. bottles that can be be reused are best to recycle but you can purchase one for under $2 as well.
Additonal items you can add:
Witch Hazel- oil skin
tea tree- oily skin- acne control
eucalyptus- oily skin - acne control - I add to mine
Rose seed hip oil- LOVE I add to mine
Orange oil- I add and I make it resh from the reminaing dried out orange peels. (more on that later) bt you can purchase and add your own.
Lavender oil- calming fresh scent
Neem oil- now this has a fishy omega type odor but the benefitd FAR outweigh the smell. It has tamed my very frizzy hair to practically replaced my skin care line. Neem oil alone mixed with water ad a bit more ingredients make an amazing toner. (neem oil toner later)
Vit E oil- I use Jason's organic Vit E it has no additonal poroperties and is not very expensive.
I keep thisin the fridge and keep tit cold in the smmmer months. it's ideal when you grow oranges and don't sell them. Best if you use distilled water and make only a bottle or 2 at a time and shake before each use and use as often sa necessary.