How To Make Soap Stew

Soap stew the start of home made shampoo!
Soap Stew is the base to all shampoo, body wash, hand wash, facial toner. You can find more details through Google or a beauty book called "The Complete book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy". This book is my beauty Bible.
SOAP STEW: 4oz bar of WHITE castle soap to 4oz or 1 cup of spring or boiled & cooled water. You can grade/shave the soap off if you have time or like me just let it soak til it dissolves. It will last forever. It will turn to a gel once done & sets. You can use liquid castile soap but the parts to water are different.
A recipe for a product such as shampoo will include for example
3 cups pure aloe gel organic 1/2 cup shea nut oil Your choice of essential oils (geranium rose) my favorite! 1 cup soap stew 1/2 cup almond glow (essential oil mixture) 2 tablespoons veggie glycerin organic
Rose Water (if you choose)