Walnut Oil For Wrinkles
A TIP I rarely mention but I do in my bathroom before I do anything after I wash my face is.
1. Pat to a damp face to touch then apply a pea size of coconut oil all over it sinks in perfect and creates a shiny glow, it also treats trouble areas such as acne. Too much no good not enough can literally dry your face out.
2. Next I have organic food grade walnut oil next to my sink. I take just my finger tip and dip it in and simply pat it over wrinkles and that's it. Walnut oily is VERY greasy and goes a LONG way and lasts a LONG time. So literally sticking your finger tip to 1/2 your finger nail will cover all the ground you need. You should not see any oil when done that is how much you need. Trust me you do NOT want to go overboard with this, practice makes perfect if you put too much blot it with a paper towel to avoid washing it off you don't want to over wash your face. This could also lead to problem skin. Use the excess on your fingers to spread through your hair for frizzy hair or the ends to aid in split ends or massage on the scalp to aid in hair growth.
After this do something and let your face rest with it, then about 15min later apply your sunscreen, you can see a difference very fast.
Walnut oil has been known to treat wrinkles since the 17th century. At 1st it was just a tale then over time this has been studied and proven through science. When eaten, it supports skin thanks to its high levels of essential nutrients. Used topically, it is a rich, non-greasy moisturizer. I also add it to my oatmeal and yogurt.