DIY Rose & Pearl Skin Care Recipes
Excellent DIY Rose & Pearl recipes you can do right at home!
Pearl Powder
whiten the skin and reduce the appearance of skin blemishes and uneven skin tone while helping to firm and tighten sagging skin, smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and get rid of the dead and rough skin cells that make the skin look dull and hamper the skin’s natural cell-renewal process. You can simply make this mask after purchasing quality pearl powder. (here is where I have found the best supply)
Pearl, Milk, and Honey Facial Mask
1/2 teaspoon Pearl Powder Milk HoneyAdd a small amount of milk to pearl powder in a small bowl and mix thoroughly to make a paste. Add some honey if you want a thicker mask, but not too much so as not to create uneven pearl powder on your face.
Pearl Powder and Aloe Juice Facial Mask
1/8 teaspoon Pearl Powder 2 teaspoons Aloe Vera Juice Mix pearl powder and aloe juice in a cup.Apply mixture on your face and neck. When the mask is dry, apply a second layer. Wash off after 15 to 20 minutes with warm water.
Pearl Powder and Olive Oil Facial Mask
1 teaspoon Pearl Powder Olive Oil
Mix pearl powder with enough olive oil to form a thin paste.
pply to clean, dry skin. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Pearl Powder and Clay Facial Mask
1 teaspoon Pearl Powder 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon kaolin Rose water
Mix together pearl powder, flour, and kaolin clay in a bowl.
Apply all over your face and leave on for 30 minutes. Soak a cotton pad with rose water and use it to wipe the facial mask off your face. Wash face with cold water.
Pearl Powder and Milk Facial Mask
1 teaspoon Pearl Powder Milk
Add sufficient amount of milk to pearl powder to form a paste.
Apply on skin and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Rinse off with water.
Rose petal body polish
How-to: Gently rinse 1 cup rose petals to remove dust. Grind the petals as finely as possible, using mortar and pestle. Mix the ground rose petals with 1 teaspoon sea salt, 1/4 cup rolled oats, 1/4 cup 1/4 cup buttermilk powder, 1 teaspoon cornmeal and 3-5 drops of rose absolute oil. Pour everything into a food processor and process until you have a fine mixture. Add just enough olive oil to create a paste when you want to use the scrub. Store remaining mixture in a lidded container.
Floral bath soak
How-to: Mix together 3 cups Himalayan pink salt, 3 cups Epsom salts, 1 cup baking soda, 2 cups rose petals, a few drops of glycerin and 1/2 teaspoon rose absolute oil. Add the blend to a warm bath, then slip into the tub and relax for 10-15 minutes in fragrant bliss.
Rose & almond body oil
How-to: You’ll need 1 cup of rose petals (2-3 roses) and 1 cup of almond oil(rich in vitamins E and D, yay!). Put the petals in a jar, crush them up a bit with a wooden spoon and pour in the oil. Let the mixture sit for 1 week, then strain and use. This feels so good right out of the shower and smells delish!
Refreshing rose toner
How-to: Mix together 1 cup rose water, 6 drops of glycerin (too much glycerin can cause acne or burn for those sensitive to glycrin make sure you are not sensitive to glycerin) Carisa knows more than ever about sensitive skin needs and advices you make sure you are tolerant to glycerin. Most of the time people don't realize it's something in their skin care as simple as glycerin causing them problems and glycerin can give you too much moisture if used in excess as well also causing a place for bateria to grow) and 3/4 cup witch hazel. Pour into a sterilized bottle. To use, moisten a cotton pad with the rose toner and swipe all over your face after cleansing.
Fresh rose face mask
How-to: Mix together one teaspoon of honey, 6-8 rose petals, two teaspoons rose water and one teaspoon plain yogurt; stir till you have a smooth paste. Apply this on your face and neck and wait for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Skin will feel super-hydrated and shall recover its lost nutrients.