Essential Oils & The Eyes JUST NO!
*Rule of thumb JUST STAY AWAY from the eye! PERIOD! Testing is not worth the risk of losing vision. under the eye, the eye lid and side should only use a cream of pure 100% carrier oil for skin treatment. NEVER EVER put any essential oil IN your eye. Many things float around social media. Consult your qualified doctor or physican when using essential oils for any reason. Essential oils in theraputic grade level can even interact with your medications as they are absorbed through the skin thus enter the blood stream. This is why they are so effetive for some medical alternatives and holistic therapy.
* No holistic therapist, aromatherapist, massage therapist, dermatologist, esthetician or manufactuer are licensed or certified to TREAT any problem inside the EYES period!
Some of the safety practices I do with my own use of Essential Oils in my home:
* The aroma of strong essential oils will and can damage your eye simply by placing it to close to the eye or in excess near the eye. This will be noticed by a burning sensation, watery eyes, vision changes and you should seek a doctor or go to the emergency room right away. It's not worth the risk.
* I, Always have a jojoba oil or dropper bottle of carrier oil near where you apply oils to your face at all. If you eye experiences ANY discomfort, Place a drop of the oil in the eye allow it to drain and then rinse with pure saline solution and seek medical attention. If contacts are in your eyes, remove them and treat the eye and seek medical attention.
*Essential oil safety around children, animals, those pregnant are very serious. I always wash your hands in a carrier oil, then a soap and dry well after using essential oils. You can transfer contact from your hands to another from simply what is left on your hands.
*If you apply them to your hair be very careful how you hug and touch your children and pets. Smells and contact transfer can occour.
Essential oils are a potent natural medicine from the earth from God and wonderful skin care and health that are not regulated by the FDA but still have serious consequences if not used in the correct manner. Something that seems harmeless , can and will harm you if not used in the right manner.
The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy has excellent information on Essential oil safety at
* I would encourage anyone using EO's to read their safety information.