RLS Leg Spray & Joint Pain Spray
This is for restless leg syndrome which had after I had to stop my steroid for my back pain, I still use this every single night. I make 2 versions, 1 for leg cramps which I get and one for RLS and yes you can combine them as well. You must use clinical grade oils for this recipe and genuine zechstein magnesium salt for this recipe. The links to all ingredients are below , click on the ingredient to order it.
Restless Legs Syndrome
8oz distilled water or herbal water
Magnesium Crystals - 1 cup
Vetiver - 10 drops
Cedarwood - 15 drops
Lavender - 10 drops
Orange oil - 12 drops (any orange oil and if sold out lemon oil is good)
Castile Soap 1 tsp
Gycerin - 1/2 tsp
Joint Spray Leg Cramps (arthristis)
Magnesium Crystals - 1 cup
Tumeric essential oil - 15 drops
Ginger essential oil - 15 drops
Wintergreen - 5 drops
Castile Soap 1 tsp
Glycerin 1/2 tsp
Combination Spray
Magnesium Crystals
Vetiver 10 drops
Cedarwood 15 drops
Lavender 10 drops
Orange Oil 12 drops
Turmeric 15 drops
Ginger 15 drops
wintergreen 5 drops
Castile Soap 1 tsp
Glycerin 1/2 tsp
This is how you will make any of the above recipes, the same is applied to all of them
Soak 1 cup of salts into 8 oz of heated water temp of 101-103 let dissolve
Combine 1 tsp of castile soap with 1/2 tsp of vegetable glycerin
Add to the castile soap and glycerin your drops of essential oil and blend well
Add to the 8oz of water with crystals dissolved another 1/2 tsp of castile soap and 1/2 tsp of glycerin
Then add to the 8oz of crystals the entire oil blend.
Once combined shake well and put lid on and allow to sit for 24 hours (do not refrigerate)