Skin Tightening Face Wash
This is the face wash that I use for skin tightening. I have been usig this wash for a long time. I do make a body wash as well. but it 's different, just as the tightening face serum and the body oil are different.
I also use the Skin Tightening Face Serum , Skin Tightening Toner Spray, Skin Tightening Moisturizer. Skin Tightening Body & Breast Oil
Im going to write this recipe different in order to make it more clear than previous recipies.
Ingredients you will need are :
Saponified Olive Oil aka Castile Soap,
Olive Oil - any good quality Olive oil
Geranium Essentail Oil
Fennel Seed Essential OIl
My one special ingredient I add to this recipe is a blend called tone- if you can't get the blend you can buy the oils. Its cheaper to ge the blend. Its:
Tone (Jade Skin Care Blend) which is a mixture of Lemon, Grapefruit, Clary Sage & Lavender if You don
t get the blend you will need those oils. (Cheaper to buy the blend Tone)
or get these oils if not Tone:
Clary Sage
If you have Acne Prone Skin or Acne you will Need to add Tamanu oil to this face wash.
How to blend
recipe can be doubled for 8 oz of wash or for body wash
In a 4 oz bottle add 1/2 cup olive oil
add 1 tablespoon of saponified olive oil (castile soap)
to the olive oil
mix with spoon - will change colors
then add
Marula Oil 1 Oz
mix with spoon
add Tone to the mixture 25 drops
or if using oils tone is made up with add
Lemon, 5 drops
Grapefruit, 5 drops
Clary Sage 5
Lavender 10 drops
(If you are using Tone you do NOT need to add the 4 essentail oils above)
If adding Tamanu add 3 table spoons
Then Mix into the mixture
Geranim 10 drops
Fennel Seed 10 drops
* You will have a pale off white thick solution once complete. This will make ALOT of face wash.
*To make face wash take atleast a 2 oz spray bottle and add 2 table spoons 1 table spoon per ounce and add to it spring water. Shake and the solution witll tur white .
You can also use this as a hand wash spray .
Spray face liverally over the sink and then apply a warm wet wash cloth over the face and let sit for 60 sec then white repeat this process 3-5 times or until you feel your face is clean or your makeup is off and your face is clean.
Once done. Treat face with your skin care as normal.
Recipe by Carisa from
