Vitamin C Exfoliation Scrub
Exfoliation Is the Key To The Kingdom Of Tight Skin!
Make sure your oils are Clinical grade or these recipes won't work
Get those oils here
Carisa's Personal Recipe for Exfoliating It's really this SIMPLE!
3 tablespoons of DEAD SEA SALTS
5 drops of Citrus Refreshing Oil Blend (If you have lemon or orange that is fine as well)
1 dropper ful of Luxurious Camelia Oil
* Blend with finger tips and apply to a moist face * Rub gently to clean off dead skin and debris. * Rinse with cool water and pat dry! Your face will feel soft and subtle. Do this once a week to keep cell turnover and collagen coming in to replace old dying off skin. Switching to natural oils for skin care icreases the new skin growth and if you aren't removing the old skin it will hide behind a leathery layer of dull skin that is ready to come off! Have you exfoliated lately?
WHY this recipe!
Japanese women have used pure camellia oil for centuries to achieve shiny, smooth hair and glowing skin. Geishas have long relied on the luxurious natural emulsion to condition their hair, remove their theatrical makeup, and moisturize their face.